Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Old Photos

So several months ago, my stepmom came across a bag of film in her attic that my dad had never developed. Surprisingly they actually turned out pretty well. Talk about a tearful trip to the walmart photo processing dept. The lady looked at me like I was nuts for crying while looking through the pictures. Here is one of my favorites. We are at "Rock City" here in Chattanooga. I would estimate that the pictures are at least 20 years old, but probably closer to 25 years.


bethnbrad said...

Okay... How come I've never seen this picture? =) It had to have been like 20 years ago b/c I look to be about 4 or 5.

Visual Reflections said...

Aren't you all so cute!

Karyn said...

Beth, You haven't seen these because I'm still making you the scrapbook of them. Be patient a little longer!